Topic: Looking to finish some decks
Currently trying to downsize my collection into bigger pieces or completing my modern and commander decks. I have a lot of interesting cards and staples and foil staples available.
Current priorities:
- Marsh Flats Expedition
- Godless Shrine Expedition
- Graven Cairns Expedition
- Any shockland or fetchland expedition
- Defense Grid (Urza)
- Command Beacon x3
- Cataclysm
- Recurring Nightmare
- Diabolic Intent
- Grim Lavamancer x2
- Inquisition of Kozilek x1 (Rise)
- Slaughter Pact x1
- Foil Affinity pieces
- Verdant Catacombs (low priority)
Low priority:
4x Blooming Marsh
4x Botanical Sanctum
4x Concealed Courtyard
4x Inspiring Vantage
4x Spirebluff Canal
Hit me up if you have any of this for trade.
Last edited by TazzMetal (2016-10-11 18:26:51)