Topic: Looking to get rid of the bulk of my collection.

Hey, If anyone from Oklahoma, or the U.S. wants some cards, I'm trying to get rid of a ton. I play edh and I have stuff I really just don't need. I'm not talking about painlands or manlands or anything, mostly commons and uncommons, and some weird lands. I'm looking to sell them off but I may consider trades. If you wanna buy some, I do ask that you pay shipping if it's not in person. Most of my cards are SP. I just really need some cash, or some better cards. All I have up right now is rares and extra lands I have. I will be updating often with more and more stuff. I may put some stuff up here for friends too.

Re: Looking to get rid of the bulk of my collection.

how much are you selling them off for? I'm looking for a lot of commons/uncommons from stuff that rotated out of standard. Like, one of everything XD.

Re: Looking to get rid of the bulk of my collection.

Well, I'm looking for 5 cents per common/uncommon card, excluding extreme cases(over $3 I'd want like .50). Selling all of them excluding decks and rares, maybe $75? I have about 8 fatpacks loaded with cards, including some nice common/uncommon playsets, and only about 1 is land. Any special cards you're looking for? I may have a copy or two, I just have too many to post them on here. -_- lol

For may maelstrom wander edh, I can't sell it, borrowing cards, lol.

For the Rafiq Bant deck, I want around 100 for it. Put over a year and lots of sweat into figuring out what works out of what I have. I am negotiable somewhat though. Like if you want like 400 cards I have , I could do like 10 or so. Post some stuff you are looking for! I can see what I have

Re: Looking to get rid of the bulk of my collection.

I was looking through your inventory and I did notice some stuff i could use.
1 Cathedral of War
2 Reliquary Tower
1 Beguiler of Wills
1 Rewind
1 Soul of the Harvest
1 Boundless Realms
1 Avacyn's Pilgrim

That's some stuff I've been looking for actually.

Re: Looking to get rid of the bulk of my collection.

I'd give you all the ones that I have multiples of if you want, but some of the cards you mentioned, I only have one copy of... I'll let you know if I get my hands on another, but I like having one of each (sort of a collector XD). What would it cost for your bulk if I were to give you the Cathedral of War, Reliquary Towers, and Rewind?