Topic: HoD Masterpiece, hold on or sell

Hi everyone,

believe it or not, but I just started magic again after selling my collection 15 years ago.
I bought a HoD Planeswalker Deck and a fat pack. In one of the boosters I got the Omniscience Masterpiece!! Still can't believe it.

I would probably sell the card to finance more cards for my collection.
So what do you think is the best strategy? Sell it as fast as possible, as long as HoD is still fresh? Or hold on to it for a while... What is the usual price movement with a new set?

Thx for your advice.

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Re: HoD Masterpiece, hold on or sell

So while the set is starting to be opened, prices will be ok. The more product the more the price will drop/ It wont be another 6 months to a year that the price will really go up since no packs are really being opened. So your call.

Sell now if you are going to sell. If you are going to wait, you will need to wait a little bit before you see good value.