Topic: Just really impressed

Sebi and gang --

So I've been out of Magic for about 2.5 years due to medical treatments. I've used Deckbox some, but now that I'm back to where I can play regularly (and I'm buy cards regularly), I've been digging through all of the new stuff in Deckbox. I gotta say that I'm just floored. The Card Database, the way I can see Editions now, the growth of the Marketplace and Trade capabilities. Man, you all have done a fantastic job. Please keep it up! As a geek who manages comics, Magic, Pokemon TCG, Star Wars Destiny, X-Wing, I know there's just nothing like this out there for other collectibles.

Please, keep up the good work! As I said in a previous post, please let me know if I can be of assistance to help with any bugs or feature requests.