Topic: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff

Looking for:

3 x Stoneforge Mystic (WWK)
1 x Wasteland (EMA)
2 x Rishadan Port (M25)

1 x Eternal Witness (UMA Topper)
1 x Temporal Manipulation (Judge Promo)
2 x Gilded Lotus (PR FOIL)
Some standard stuff
Some EDH stuff
BFZ full-art foil basics

Ideally looking to trade the Eternal Witness topper towards three WWK Stoneforge Mystics

Last edited by James1337 (2019-02-24 17:09:08)

Re: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff


Re: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff


Re: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff


Re: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff


Re: W: SfM, WL. H: E-Wit Topper, Standard Stuff

I have an EMA wasteland I could trade. Mind checking the rest of my list towards the eternal witness?