Topic: TCGPlayer App .csv import

Hey guys,

Scanned my whole collection with the TCGPlayer app and came across some issues while importing. Maybe some of you could help me with the process of editing the .csv correctly. This is what I've done:

- Changed the CSV Output Settings in the TCGPlayer app to output the following: Quantity, Name, Set, Card Number, Printing, Condition, Language

- Renamed the following in the csv header in Excel: Quantity -> Count, Set -> Edition, Printing -> Foil

- Searched and Replaced all instances of the non foil card versions called „Normal“ to „“.

- Edited all the error instances of wrong Edition names to the appropriate ones for deckbox.

Still I'm getting 3 errors of empty card names in lines which I can't find in the file, because deckbox doesn't tell me where the error exactly is. I'm positive every line in the file has the correct card name.

I've attached my csv file for the specialists among you. Hope for any help and thanks in advance!

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TCGplayerCardList1.csv 59.25 kb, 2 downloads since 2019-02-05 

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Re: TCGPlayer App .csv import

The issue was that in those 3 lines, the data wasn't correctly separated somehow (no idea why, because all values had commas between them!).

I don't know what program you use to edit CSVs, but when I opened it in Excel, the problem was immediately apparent. In all the other rows, the value were correctly divided up into separate columns, but in those 3 rows, all the values were showing up in the first column. Hard to approximate on this forum, but kinda like this:

                                                          COUNT === NAME        === EDITION === [etc.]
                                                              1 === Dark Ritual === Tempest === ...
1,"Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion",Ravnica: City of Guilds,... ===   <blank>   === <blank> === [etc.]

That was one of the problem cards, on line 121. The other two were Undertaker on line 139 and Skarrg, the Rage Pits on line 411.

I have attached a fixed CSV in case it's hard for you to fix on your end.

Post's attachments

TCGplayerCardList1-fixed.csv 59.25 kb, file has never been downloaded. 

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