Topic: Exporting Set Lists

How come the site does not support exporting card list(s) from the "Card Database"? This would be extremely helpful in uploading new set information for the users. As it stands currently a user has to go through and input individual cards or create their own file offline and attempt to upload. As a PAID user I would like to see something like this implemented.

Re: Exporting Set Lists

I can definitely see the benefit of creating a filtered set of cards on DB, exporting that let to CSV, then using the CSV to input quantities before doing an "Add from CSV". I like the idea.

In the meantime, if your use case is simply getting such an exported CSV for a new set, there is a (fairly) simple solution. Note that this is Premium-only due to step 2.

1. From the Editions page, open the desired edition.

2. In the top-right, choose Mass Input, keep the default settings (1x to Inventory), and "Add Them".

3. Go to your inventory and filter for that edition only. Sort however you want.

4. Export your filtered / sorted inventory to CSV.

5. Use the top checkbox to mass-select all cards from that edition, then from the Card Actions dropdown, choose Remove Selected. You'll have to do this more than once until all pages of cards are removed.

6. Open the exported CSV and update quantities as needed, then use Add from CSV File to add to inventory.

Granted, this is a more convoluted approach than simply downloading an "edition CSV" from a given edition's page (which would replace step 2 and eliminate steps 3-5). And it won't work as easily if you already have cards from that set in your inventory (you'd have to replace step 5 with a different step). But it's still a heck of a lot faster than adding them one-by-one in the DB interface!

Last edited by meldon44 (2022-04-08 09:57:32)