Topic: Looking for Woodland Cemeteries/Thragtusks/Zombies Stuff!

Hi! I'm looking to play Jund Zombies when RTR hits, so here's what I need:

2 Thragtusk
2 Woodland Cemetery
3 Geralf's Messenger
4 Gravecrawler
3 Dragonskull Summit

I don't need all of it, as I'm purchasing some, but I'd love to get that.

I have:

1 Bonfire
4 Isolated Chapels
2 Sorin, LOI
2 Elspeth Tirel
1 Primeval Titan (foreign)
4 Lingering Souls (1 promo!)
1 Exploration
1 Drowned Catacomb
The Garruks minus Relentless
All of the legends from M13 besides yeva/talrand

And all sorts of other cards - just ask!


Last edited by Dranzogger (2012-09-13 23:17:30)

Re: Looking for Woodland Cemeteries/Thragtusks/Zombies Stuff!

Sent you a trade prop, let me know what you think. Thanks!