Topic: b/r and w/g recommendations please

Hey guys here are two decks I built... im trying to get better at putting cards together let me know what you think - w/g - b/r

Re: b/r and w/g recommendations please

They're looking pretty solid, I'd advise cutting the Pathbreaker wurms from GW, only because nothing else you've got in there really needs trample, also I'd say you should look for some more big creatures since you have so much mana-ramping going on in the deck

For Black Red, I'd cut the demonic taskmasters, they're not vampires and in a deck this tribally based you're better off with Vampires that are not the best than decent non-vampires

Re: b/r and w/g recommendations please

I'll second imsully on the G/W deck.  You have it pretty well configured that it's going to be spitting a LOT of mana at you.  The question then becomes, what to do with said mana.  There are countless big angels in white to run with and green certainly never disappoints with some of the wurms and whatnot they have.  For the time being this will work, but you'll likely want to look into picking up a few large angels (Serra Angel/Archangel/Requiem Angel/or Avacyn, Angel of Hope) or just creatures (Craterhoof Behemoth maybe so you could rush them - that or even something as simple as Duskdale Wurm or Moldgraf Monstrosity to ensure all those lands go to something productive).

For the B/R deck, I think it's still lacking focus.  Look at the 1x cards and try to imagine the scenarios where you would play them to be effective.  For example, Kindled Fury - definitely a sneaky card in sealed, but you only have one of them and it's not likely to be a big deal breaker, especially when you're sitting on 2x Vampiric Fury (which also raises the question, why is Slaughter Cry even in here if Vampiric Fury accomplishes the same goal but better (it's ALL vampires you control) for one less mana?  I'd focus on getting one deck running nicely before diving off into 3-5 others as this can get pretty pricey rather quickly, especially if you're looking at making things competitive at FNMs (a key example, Woodland Cemetery just went from $5 to $12 in about two weeks and you can't order them fast enough - all because people want to play Golgari in RTR).