Topic: Icecrown

Icecrown came out yesterday - full list (with pictures) can be found here:

Not sure if you can work with that, but figured I would give you a heads up.

Re: Icecrown

Thanks for the heads up, will import as soon as possible. I have looked around the official forums in search for the official card reference, but I could not find one for Icecrown sad.

Re: Icecrown

New OCR is up.

Re: Icecrown

Are these live?  Looks like it for the two I tested.  Awesome, if so!

Re: Icecrown

Icecrown Citadel (World of warcraft) is the home of the Frozen Throne and the Lich King himself, Arthas Menethil. Arthas was originally the Crown Prince of Lordaeron, son of King Terenas Menethil however events led him to the prison of a powerful being called Ner'zhul, the two were merged and thus was born the current incarnation of the Lich King, ruler of the Scourge. During their binding there was a massive explosion which caused parts of the glacier at Icecrown to disintegrate leaving in it's place a massive fissure which was moulded to the design of the Lich King and created Icecrown Citadel the majority of which runs as catacombs and rooms deep within the glacier itself. One of the most notable places that was created in the forging of both the Lich King and his Icecrown Citadel was the awesome seat of power now known as the Frozen Throne. It is here your ultimate challenges await you and you must face the threat that is the Lich King and his army of dead