Topic: H: 4x Glimpse the Unthinkable.

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking to trade away a playset of glimpse the unthinkables. My wishlist is more or less up to date, but I am more than willing to look through tradelists if you are interested in the playset. I am looking to trade these away as a playset instead of splitting them up, so please keep that in mind. If you are interested let me know, and I will look through your tradelist to see if we can work something out.


Re: H: 4x Glimpse the Unthinkable.

I've got a bonfire + a bunch of small stuff on your list, want to try to work something out?

Re: H: 4x Glimpse the Unthinkable.

I forgot to mention in my main post. A lot of the more seemingly random cards on my wishlist I am looking for in foil. They are pieces of my EDH deck, and for the most part I am looking for a specific art in foil, aside from the cards that only have one art.

so keep that in mind for a lot of the cards on my wishlist.

Also I am absolutely willing to try and work something out for the bonfire.