Topic: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

I put cards in my sideboard that I thought might fit in but I'm not sure what to remove to put them in. I was wondering what you guys think of the deck.

Last edited by Gravedigger (2012-10-08 21:05:04)

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

First off you should add some sort of counter magic, in this case either Dissipate or Rewind.

I would also consider adding Unsummon, this serves 2 purposes, #1 take out pesky creatures your opponents control #2 save your creatures from removal.

Finally I'd add fog, nothing buys you another turn like fog

Finally your deck is really good at stalling but you could easilly get overwhelmed by tokens or trample, I'd advise adding either Jace's Phantasm or Deadly Recluse at least in sideboard, I know that you're going for the defender theme but you need to be able to kill opponent's creatures sometimes

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

I get that you want to be sure to hit a Sands of Delirium but as it's an X cost activated artifact, having more than one at any given point in time is redundant (much like having 4x of a legendary creature).  I would suggest dropping down to 2x there and use those 2 spots to bring Tree of Redemption from your sideboard onto your mainboard.  Not only does it fit the defender scheme, but it ensures that you can survive even if they get past your blockers.

I agree with imsully about getting overrun rather easily, to which point I would almost suggest splashing white for a few cards.  Axebane Guardian lets you produce any color of mana and you could easily add one or two plains for the Gatecreeper Vines to go grab them.  Then, with a splash of white you open the door to Oblivion Ring and Detention Sphere for spot removal; Azorius Charm for an even more powerful Unsummon (it doesn't just return the creature to their hand, it puts it on their deck to screw up their next card draw too!); and Rest in Peace which lets you drop Tormod's Crypt from the sideboard and otherwise simply screws your opponents over (scavenge, undying, flashback, etc - GONE!).

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

imsully2 wrote:

First off you should add some sort of counter magic, in this case either Dissipate or Rewind.

I would also consider adding Unsummon, this serves 2 purposes, #1 take out pesky creatures your opponents control #2 save your creatures from removal.

Finally I'd add fog, nothing buys you another turn like fog

Finally your deck is really good at stalling but you could easilly get overwhelmed by tokens or trample, I'd advise adding either Jace's Phantasm or Deadly Recluse at least in sideboard, I know that you're going for the defender theme but you need to be able to kill opponent's creatures sometimes

I didn't even think about the tokens or trample, Thanks for that I'll definitely look into adding some defence for that.

TyWooOneTime wrote:

I get that you want to be sure to hit a Sands of Delirium but as it's an X cost activated artifact, having more than one at any given point in time is redundant (much like having 4x of a legendary creature).  I would suggest dropping down to 2x there and use those 2 spots to bring Tree of Redemption from your sideboard onto your mainboard.  Not only does it fit the defender scheme, but it ensures that you can survive even if they get past your blockers.

I agree with imsully about getting overrun rather easily, to which point I would almost suggest splashing white for a few cards.  Axebane Guardian lets you produce any color of mana and you could easily add one or two plains for the Gatecreeper Vines to go grab them.  Then, with a splash of white you open the door to Oblivion Ring and Detention Sphere for spot removal; Azorius Charm for an even more powerful Unsummon (it doesn't just return the creature to their hand, it puts it on their deck to screw up their next card draw too!); and Rest in Peace which lets you drop Tormod's Crypt from the sideboard and otherwise simply screws your opponents over (scavenge, undying, flashback, etc - GONE!).

I love that idea of Rest in Peace I'm definitely going to put it in the deck. Also with the Sands of Delirium it didn't even register in my head It would be pointless to have more than one out at a time, i'll definitely swap a few of those out for the Tree of Redemption As far as removal goes, what do you think I should remove to put some in?

Last edited by Gravedigger (2012-10-09 15:03:56)

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

I'd drop x1 Island and x2 curse of the bloody tomb in favor of x3 Oblivion Ring, while this may seem like it's a bad idea given that you'd be cutting one of the cards that actually mills your opponent, you have to remember that Milling 60 cards usually takes longer than dealing 20 damage, as such it's important to be able to slow your opponent down as much as possible, hence why walls are such a good idea.

The island is because I can't really see anything else I'd rather cut, most of your mana ramping comes from searching for lands rather than drawing them so having one less island won't be very detrimental, also your mana curve is pretty low and there are only a couple cards that you have that need a lot of mana (Sands of Delirium and Increasing Confusion) and most of that mana should be coming from Axebane Guardian not your lands.

All this being said I would still strongly recommend Fog if you're planning to play at FNM, Zombie decks won't really care about losing part of their deck, they're very fast and will be able to kill your walls faster than you can put them out, fog could buy you that extra turn or two that you need to establish a defensive base to lock them down. If you're just playing with friends this should be perfect, I really like this deck by the way it really takes advantage of several mechanics, I'd never have thought that Green, Blue, and White Mill could be a thing

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

Another option to slow the opponent is Sphere of Safety which, when paired with Oblivion Ring, can be quite amusing.  You get spot removal but also cover your rear more generally - although then you need to think about more enchantments, which, I agree with imsully here would likely not end well.  But it's a thought.

I agree with the shedding of lands, as, to be honest, as long as you have 2-3 in your opening hand, you can fetch however many you need beyond that.

Re: [Opinions][Standard] Mill help

I'll definitely remove one of the Islands and I'm hesitant about removing some mill spells, but I suppose I really have to to get some removal into play. I do like putting the Sphere of Safety in to protect me from attackers but I'm not sure yet if its worth removing some mill cards maybe I can get rid of another land. Thanks for your input TyWooOneTime and imsully2 it's really appreciated, it's becoming a monster because of you guys!