Topic: H: Jace AoT W: Restoration Angels or Aether Vials

Title says it all.  I'm open to other offers from my wishlist, but those are my top priority.

Last edited by grossoggodeckbox (2012-10-09 21:53:07)

Re: H: Jace AoT W: Restoration Angels or Aether Vials

Also looking for Kitchen Finks and Spell Snare

Have these RtR cards, as well as what is in my trade-list for trade.
Jace, Architect of Thought
2x Trostani, Selesnaya's Voice
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius
Nivimagus Elemental (foil)
Epic Experiment
Descecration Demon
Isperia Supreme Judge
Mizzium Mortars
Lotleth Troll
2x Chromatic Lantern

Re: H: Jace AoT W: Restoration Angels or Aether Vials

I have a Kitchen Finks for trade along with some stuff on your wishlist that I assume is less high priority, I could really use a troll, shoot me an offer if interested (I have a second finks I might part with too for the right offer)