Topic: Opened a box, new stuff.

New stuff added to Trade list, most notably Jace, AOT, Dreadbore, and overgrown tomb.

Looking for two Giests, 4x Sunpetal Groves, 3x Temple Gardens, Sigarda, Host of Herons, and Silverblade Paladins.

Trade me smile

Re: Opened a box, new stuff.

Get any interesting foils? I have a post w/ a large list of foils (including commons/uncommons) that I'm looking for

Re: Opened a box, new stuff.

Ogre Jailbreaker, Gore-House Chainwalker, Traitorous Instinct, Guttersnipe, Deadbridge Goliath, Urban Burgeoning Skull Rent, Selesnya Charm, Swamp 261.

Re: Opened a box, new stuff.

I'm interested in the guttersnipe and selesnya charge. I have groves, a garden, and paladins. Start a trade w/ me if interested.