Topic: W:Thragtusk, Restoration Angel H:Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb, Lotleth

I've been looking for some Thragtusk and three Restoration Angels to finish out my playset for a while.

Re: W:Thragtusk, Restoration Angel H:Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb, Lotleth

need your vraska and/or lotleth troll.  let me know if you see anything on my tradelist you'd trade for

Re: W:Thragtusk, Restoration Angel H:Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb, Lotleth

AgainstOne wrote:

need your vraska and/or lotleth troll.  let me know if you see anything on my tradelist you'd trade for

Not anything I could really need or use to trade for what I need outside of the Jace you have... and that's not a very fair trade to you.