Topic: Modern MAverick (MMA)

So I've been talking about modern a bit in other deck discussions and here's my first real attempt at a deck, it's based off of the Legacy Maverick Deck that was everywhere a little while ago. It's Green and White primarily, I've got a splash of black in there so if I can ever afford some Bobs I can throw them right in, it also opens the door to Abrupt Decays, which I've come into a playset of.

Here's the deck:

It's basically a delay game until I can get out a sword or a Knight of the Reliquary or beat them to death with weenies.

In my testing on Cockatrice it's been going very well, I've had success against Zoo, Jund, RDW, and Dredge. I havn't had excessive testing but as of now I'm convinced this deck has alot of potential. The regular maverick runs on Green Sun's Zenith, that card's banned in modern and while some people like Chord of Calling, I prefer Fauna Shamans, they fit in the deck better and can be used with repetition, more like GSZ.

I know most of the usual commenters are big into standard right now but any thoughts would be appreciated

P.S. there are 17 cards in my sideboard because I don't see myself getting Bobs anytime soon, they're just there to let you know ideally I'd have them

I'm also thinking about Aether Vials, almost all of my deck is 2-cost or a human (Cavern) or uncounterable, so if my Kitchen Finks have to get countered at the gain of the entire rest of my deck, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make, but finding slots for a couple vials will be tough