Topic: W: Ajani, GosT, Shocks H: Fetches, Snap, Sorin, more

Re: W: Ajani, GosT, Shocks H: Fetches, Snap, Sorin, more

have a thundermaw, and a combination of shocks which are for trade though not on your wish list.
I'm interested in your 2x gifts ungiven and a steam vents.

Re: W: Ajani, GosT, Shocks H: Fetches, Snap, Sorin, more

I have a Temple Garden from Rav and a Temple Garden from RTR. Interested in your Misty and Arid Mesa.

Re: W: Ajani, GosT, Shocks H: Fetches, Snap, Sorin, more

Interested in fetches. Starting up a trade.