Topic: [Opinions] [Standard] in need of bad feed back

I spent alot of time putting this build together.

I feel like i'm missing something but i have absolutely no idea. hmm 

My goal is to keep the other guy so distracted that i can rack up 5 counters on Azor's elocutors and win.

Any way i can make this better?

Re: [Opinions] [Standard] in need of bad feed back

First off, I think it's going to be quite difficult to pull this off without a bunch of Fog-style or other damage prevention effects.  Keep in mind that a single burn spell or a ping of damage from anything removes a counter - meaning you have to be UNTOUCHABLE for five turns. 

A few things that come to mind that might help include:

1) Safe Passage to prevent any damage that might get through (even a burn spell). 
2) Palisade Giant to redirect the damage away from you and it's a monster when paired with Ghostly Possession as it becomes a catch-all Fog Bank for creatures (If you're going outside of Standard, pair Pariah with Fog Bank for the same setup at a much lower cost - but also a more vulnerable target to being blown up).
3) Sphere of Safety could help limit their attackers.
4) Curse of Exhaustion would slow them down to a much more manageable pace of only one spell per turn.
5) And, you could definitely rock Nevermore in your sideboard to swap in after you've seen the items you couldn't stop.

Note that every one of those cards is white, which you currently only have a splash of in the deck.  It would be worth either swapping out the green or really making white more of a priority.

Now, about your current build, I'm seeing a few issues.

1) You're running defenders to work with Axebane Guardian, which is fine.  But why Doorkeeper over a better defender like Hover Barrier or even Gatecreeper Vine?  You're not likely to mill your opponent to death with the Doorkeepers (although they could do damage that way), but they cannot block flyers and really take things a different route than you're aiming for.

2) You have 10 counter spells in a deck when counter magic is essentially the weakest I think it's ever been.  Between the "cannot be countered" bombs in RTR and Cavern of Souls, perhaps it would be better to direct those cards to more solid removal (i.e. Oblivion Ring, Rebuke, Detention Sphere, etc).  They might limit your options some, but then you're assured to at least take something out rather than be sitting on a Cancel while they put Loxodon Smiter on the battlefield.  As a side note, to the extent you include counter magic I would recommend Dispel as most players strive for the instant speed items and that deals with them for only one.

3) Urban Burgeoning as a 4x?  Aside from freeing up mana for a counter, why?

4) Chronic Flooding as a 4x?  I get the idea of trying to take a land away from them, but you're not milling for the win here so I can see where these four slots could be put to better use.

5) Why is Growing Ranks in here?  Nothing in the deck creates tokens, so there's nothing to populate.  Note that populate and proliferate are quite different mechanics, but it would be easy to make that mistake and get them confused.

I hope those help.  I think Azor's Elocutors is one of those amusing cards that you have to build the entire deck around and likely will only win the game for you 1-3 times, but is greatly satisfying if/when it does manage it for you.  Good luck!