Topic: H: Wasteland, Noble Hierarch, Grim Monolith, Entreat W: Wishlist

Thanks for looking.

Update 10/30/2012: Entreat the Angels and Armada Wurm are gone.

Last edited by jaw16 (2012-10-30 21:34:35)

Re: H: Wasteland, Noble Hierarch, Grim Monolith, Entreat W: Wishlist

I have a foil Fire-lit thicket I'd like to put towards a Noble Hierarch if you're interested in that.

Otherwise, I might be able to get a Crucible and Academy Ruins from some friends to put towards the Wasteland.

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist
I'll sometimes trade things in my Inventory. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Re: H: Wasteland, Noble Hierarch, Grim Monolith, Entreat W: Wishlist

Hi.  I have an approved trade with another user for the Wasteland at the moment.  I am just waiting for him to confirm his address.  If the trade falls through, I will be in touch.  Thanks

Re: H: Wasteland, Noble Hierarch, Grim Monolith, Entreat W: Wishlist

I was interested in your Noble Hierarchs. Any chance we can work out a deal?

Re: H: Wasteland, Noble Hierarch, Grim Monolith, Entreat W: Wishlist

I have a Blood Artist (off your wishlist) and I'm interested in your Krosan Grip. Would you make that trade?