Topic: [Produse] Diverse produse Mirrodin Besieged
Pana pe 13 DECEMBRIE trebuie sa dau precomanda pentru ce produse dorim sa comandam din noul set, pe langa Displayuri de Boostere. Asta inseamna in principiu FAT-PACK-uri, Intro Pack-uri, Event Pack-uri (despre astea nu prea stiu multe informatii inca).
De asemenea cine doreste display-uri sa-mi comunice din timp ca sa beneficieze si de buy-a-box promo card (plus evident discount)
FAT PACK Mirrodin Besieged
Incepand cu acest set Fat-Pack-urile vor suferi urmatoarele modificari:
Mirrodin Besieged Fat Pack is going to undergo three changes:
1. Addition of 1 booster pack, bringing the total to 9 booster packs
2. Addition of 40 basic lands, bringing the total to 80 basic lands
3. 2 60-card deck boxes (likely cardboard, such as for theme decks)
4. Increase in MSRPThe additional land is most likely due to the prevalence of Fat Packs as a purchase for newer players, thus providing them with more lands to use in deck construction. The added booster pack brings the Fat pack up to three “draft sets” making it more attractive to buyers.
They will also have the additional items:
1. 1 Card box
2. 1 Player’s Guide
3. 1 Spindown life counter
Eu - fat - achitat
Sumy - fat
Mitza - fat
Benczi - fat - partial achitat (60 lei)
Mihai C. - fat - achitat
Dan - fat
Rares - display - achitat