Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

HikingStick wrote:

Sorry, Sebi.  I just realized that I posted a lot of feedback on the Alpha in this thread.  I tried to move those posts, but was not able to do so.

You're right, thanks for bringing it up, I moved them. You can select moderate on a thread, then there's a checkbox on the top right of a post, and then an option to move at the bottom of the thread.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Nice to test the new version smile
I'm especially psyched about the new importfeature, so i tested it first, but run into some trouble:

Got a test.csv with the following content:

Count, Tradelist Count, Name, Foil, Textless, Promo, Signed, Edition, Condition, Language
1, 0, Telepathy,,,,,Eighth Edition,Near Mint,English

Checking the file gives me the following error:

Error: The header of the csv file is not correct. Please check that the columns in your file match the following: ["Count", "Tradelist Count", "Name", "Foil", "Textless", "Promo", "Signed", "Edition", "Condition", "Language"]

So i tried importing an export i just made from my data, which gave me the same error.
Also i noticed, the file to import is named as c:\fakeroot\test.csv. I'm running a Linux with Chromium (And just checked with firefox, same problem) Anyone else run into this trouble or has any clues how to solve this?

Sure, just after i hit sent i try another thing and it works tongue
So, as it seems the header has to be without spaces for the import to work (Which is not the case in the export-file also). Maybee insert a `trim` call after splitting the csv-header?

Last edited by daishy (2012-12-08 19:16:05)

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

I prefer the old way, I find it more intuitive (or perhaps I'm just used to the old way). I was a bit confused at first, not knowing how to add multiple copies or assign attributes such as foil. It was especially confusing when adding a 2nd copy of a foil. I typed the card name, pressed tab (it then added a non-foil version to my inventory). I then clicked the drop-down menu, selected foil => done => apply. It worked correctly in the end (to my surprise).

P.S. I love this site and appreciate all of the hard work you've put in to improve it. I think that almost all of the changes are significant improvements!

sebi wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

Thanks for clarifying that, Sebi.  I can live with that.  :-)

The thing is... I kept going back and forth on that add widget, I think I implemented it 4 times from scratch smile. It's still I think not perfect and a bit confusing for new people so your feedback on it is very important.

The reason I would not have an extra quantity input is that I felt it makes it even more cluttered, as it already has a lot of stuff going on in it, with all the default inputs and so on.

By all means, I'd love to hear what people think is still not good enough usability wise with it, or even general thoughts and impressions about how it "feels" to use.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

I am also experiencing prices of $0.00 on my M13 cards. Also, it seems that foils & non-foils have the same price, regardless of edition.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Does it make more sense to have an import/export menu, rather than an import menu and export residing under  the view menu?

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Hi, Sebi.  I'm on this site all the time, and I love it!  I'm sure the new version will be excellent.  Apologies to everyone for a post without any constructive feedback, but I really wanted to say thanks for working to make deckbox even better.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Thanks again guys for the great (in quantity and also quality!) feedback you provided.

We've fixed a number of the reported bugs, and still have a few to go though. I won't list all issues fixed as it just gets confusing smile

Some comments:

@HikingStick's question on downtime: yes, we have a number of database migrations, upgrades and maintenance tasks to do anyway. We will post an announcement when we have a 100% release date, but I anticipate a 4 hour downtime. It will be during the EU morning / US night time, so hopefully not too many users will be affected smile

marumari wrote:

I look at marumari<->codysattva (can get 73, can receive 62) and it's almost entirely impossible to do now.  Even just 15<->15 is hard to decipher.

The "intersection" listing is indeed bulky, and I agree we could probably make it sleeker. That said, I'm curious if you have any suggestions on what functionality you would like it to provide.

The truth is you do need 73 cards from him, and he does need 62 cards from you. So whichever way we implement it, the lists will be large anyway. I suppose pagination would help, as would sorting them by card value. How does that sound?

Finally, we know the current features that list potential trade partners are not ideal (on users profile page and card pages),  and we will change them soon. The initial release of the new version will probably not include these changes, but they're coming immediately after.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

HikingStick wrote:

If you have only a few items in your inventory (so that the list is not very long--doesn't require a lot of scrolling), if you try to edit the version of the card (via card details), the edition chooser bleeds off the bottom of the page, making it impossible to see edition options that fall below the bottom bound of the screen.

I also tried this in Chrome and FF, but for me the page becomes a bit longer when the menu appears, and you can scroll it a bit more. This is on a mac though, might be a different behaviour on windows I suppose. Will check again when fixing the IE bugs smile

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

In reference to the potential trade tools (both the intersection listing that is displayed when I am on another user's profile page and the can get/can give listing for Reddit users that is displayed on my own profile page):

If someone has specified that they want the M12 edition of Acidic Slime, and I have specified that the M11 version is in my tradelist, will Acidic Slime be displayed as a potential trade?  I think that the default should be to display it, since people may specific editions without actually caring.  It would be useful, however, to be able to filter down to exact matches on command, as there are users who want a lot of foil cards or A/B/U editions.  It currently looks like I can trade with them, but they don't actually want anything from me.

Also, it would useful to have some different sorting available on the trading opportunities.  Ideally (and I know this could be ridiculously hard to implement), I'd like to see an ordering along these lines.  Take the lower of the total value that I can get and the total value I can give, and sort that in descending order.  This would let me see my biggest potential trades first.  Failing that, I would at least like to have the option of filtering out people who don't want anything on my tradelist.

Again, thank you for a truly amazing site!

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

daishy wrote:

Nice to test the new version smile
I'm especially psyched about the new importfeature, so i tested it first, but run into some trouble:

Got a test.csv with the following content:

Count, Tradelist Count, Name, Foil, Textless, Promo, Signed, Edition, Condition, Language
1, 0, Telepathy,,,,,Eighth Edition,Near Mint,English

Checking the file gives me the following error:

Error: The header of the csv file is not correct. Please check that the columns in your file match the following: ["Count", "Tradelist Count", "Name", "Foil", "Textless", "Promo", "Signed", "Edition", "Condition", "Language"]

So i tried importing an export i just made from my data, which gave me the same error.
Also i noticed, the file to import is named as c:\fakeroot\test.csv. I'm running a Linux with Chromium (And just checked with firefox, same problem) Anyone else run into this trouble or has any clues how to solve this?

Sure, just after i hit sent i try another thing and it works tongue
So, as it seems the header has to be without spaces for the import to work (Which is not the case in the export-file also). Maybee insert a `trim` call after splitting the csv-header?

Just wanted to check if you were using the column headings inside quotation marks.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

mflore wrote:

Does it make more sense to have an import/export menu, rather than an import menu and export residing under  the view menu?

+1 to this.

Finding it under "View" is a bit counter-intuitive.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

sebi wrote:
HikingStick wrote:

If you have only a few items in your inventory (so that the list is not very long--doesn't require a lot of scrolling), if you try to edit the version of the card (via card details), the edition chooser bleeds off the bottom of the page, making it impossible to see edition options that fall below the bottom bound of the screen.

I also tried this in Chrome and FF, but for me the page becomes a bit longer when the menu appears, and you can scroll it a bit more. This is on a mac though, might be a different behaviour on windows I suppose. Will check again when fixing the IE bugs smile

FYI--my max resolution on my laptop is 1440x900.

Santa couldn't bring me a new laptop this year.  :-(

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

There are quite a few good suggestions here to make the site even better.  I just want to voice some of my thoughts here.  I would like to be able to sort my collection by clicking on the icons on the top left like before to see how many cards I have in my inventory/tradelist/wishlist.  That feature made it a lot easier to manage the wishlist and tradelist and also for figuring out which cards to put up for trade.

Thanks a lot for making this site!  It is really helpful for all us magicplayers with too large collections!

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

I fear we have entered the Youtube problem, with things not being centered. Visually, it is pretty annoying. The chat and address box are aligned to the very left, when it would be much nicer if it could center, and the address' be like they were before, underneath each person. Just my 2 cents.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Just throwing my 2 cents in.

Firstly, I love the update. Especially the fact that prices are now per edition instead of for the global card.

In saying that, though, is there any chance we can get the column which shows how many of a card is in use in our decks? It's how I would sort out discrepancies between my inventory count and tradelist count.

Thanks, again smile

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Hey there! Pretty new around here, but I'm loving it. One thing I'd like to request is the ability to sort by Inventory Count, as well as this following suggestion quote:

psyllogism wrote:

* Collapse cards of the same name together, giving an option to expand them into multiple rows for different kinds of the card

The reason for this is that I will trade out any copies in excess of six that I have of a given card. It's really hard to find when I have more than six with the current system.


Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

duckfin wrote:

Hey there! Pretty new around here, but I'm loving it. One thing I'd like to request is the ability to sort by Inventory Count, as well as this following suggestion quote:

psyllogism wrote:

* Collapse cards of the same name together, giving an option to expand them into multiple rows for different kinds of the card

The reason for this is that I will trade out any copies in excess of six that I have of a given card. It's really hard to find when I have more than six with the current system.


Numerous folks have noted that we lost the ability to sort by count.  I believe Sebi will be bringing that back to us in the near future.  :-)

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Previewing the next "2.0" release of deckbox

Hello Deckbox.  I've only recently started using this site and I love it.  You guys have done a great job and you rock.
I've skimmed through this thread and don't see anyone mentioning the feature I've recently been hoping for:

---The ability to jump to part of your collection based on page number or maybe even better by alphabet number?

I've got a large collection that is going to take me hours and hours to enter and it would be nice to jump to where i am currently entering in my collection (I'm sorting alphabetically and then entering them).  Also:

---The ability to do a search like this: L*   and have it list all cards in collection that start with L.  Or any other type of search by wildcard, etc.

Anyway, love this site and thank you for the awesomeness you all provide!!