Topic: [W] Silverblade Paladin (3) Lox Smiter (2) Cavern Souls (2). H: Lots!!

Trade list:

I have other things I really want as well, if you want to take a look at my wishlist:

Hit me up, I'm ready and willing!

Tradelist  |  Wishlist

Re: [W] Silverblade Paladin (3) Lox Smiter (2) Cavern Souls (2). H: Lots!!

I have a (paper) Paladin, Loxodon Smiter, Supreme Verdict and Detention Sphere but I'm getting out of physical magic, do you happen to play MTGO?

Last edited by newspaperblanket (2012-12-13 21:17:01)

Re: [W] Silverblade Paladin (3) Lox Smiter (2) Cavern Souls (2). H: Lots!!

nope. just the the actual cards.

Tradelist  |  Wishlist

Re: [W] Silverblade Paladin (3) Lox Smiter (2) Cavern Souls (2). H: Lots!!

Ok, if you don't find a trade let me know and I'll sell them cheaper than TCG or Star City.

Re: [W] Silverblade Paladin (3) Lox Smiter (2) Cavern Souls (2). H: Lots!!

Don't have that stuff but proposed a different trade!