Topic: W: Titans, Maelstrom Pulse, Norn, others. H: Tradelist

Hey there, I'm looking for a few cards to round out a casual Solar Flare deck I'm making. The highest priorities are:

2x Sun Titan
1x Grave Titan
1x Elesh Norn
1x Maestrom Pulse (for my cube)
3x Unburial Rites

There are a few others that I'm interested in trading for, on my wishlist, including some PWs and cube cards.

What I have to trade are random cards from my collection. Feel free to take a look at my tradelist and find something you like.

Also, I'm looking for a pair of Lingering Souls and a Go for the throat, if you're looking to drop them with someone. I'd value all 3 at $4 (I know that's on the low end, but that's what I'm able to buy them at).