Topic: [Bug report] Missing icons, prices in the new version

Hi all,

I did a quick search for "missing icons" and didn't see anything relevant, so hopefully this isn't a duplicate.

With the new version, I no longer get the yellow warning or red alert icons in my deck lists which indicate that I don't have enough cards in my library and/or wishlist to complete that deck.

Was this an intentional change, or is it a bug of some kind?

Secondly, lots of my cards currently show $0.00 price: Drowned Catacomb, Glacial Fortress, Plains, Island, and Liliana of the Dark Realms, for some examples. I'm guessing this one might be a caching issue, but figured I'd raise it just in case.

Finally, quick feature request/feedback while I'm here: the vertical spacing on the individual items in a given deck list feels like it's way too much. I don't have a screenshot of the old version for comparison but I'd guess it's at least double.

Is that open to adjustment, if anybody else has the same feedback? If it's just me I'll get used to it, but a poll or something might be a good option. I usually work on a laptop, and have limited vertical screen real estate - I now have to scroll two or three times more than I used to in order to view my entire deck, and it's really made it difficult to get a quick "big picture" view of a list.

Otherwise really liking the new version so far, glad to see the activity. Thanks!

Re: [Bug report] Missing icons, prices in the new version

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

Price issue has been fixed, M13 cards now all should have prices again.

With the new version, I no longer get the yellow warning or red alert icons in my deck lists which indicate that I don't have enough cards in my library and/or wishlist to complete that deck.

We've removed them, thinking the listing was looking a bit cluttered  because of them, we thought you could see the counts on the left side anyway. Maybe that's too little though...

How about if we just highlight the count column in decks if there are fewer cards than in inventory? A red background or something similar?

the vertical spacing on the individual items in a given deck list feels like it's way too much.

To me, the interface feels cleaner with more padding for the table cells. But you're right, we might have gone overboard with the padding. We'll think about it, and maybe tone it down a bit.

Anyone else feel the same about this?

Re: [Bug report] Missing icons, prices in the new version

Thanks for the quick response, Sebi.

Prices are indeed showing up properly for me now.

I liked the icons, but highlighted cells might work. If that isn't clear enough, or looks too cluttered, maybe a background image in the count cell with a tooltip-style icon (similar to the notes on spreadsheet cells in Google Docs?) in yellow or red could work, too.

The interface definitely looks cleaner and less crowded overall, but specifically on the card lists it feels like the vertical space is a little too much - I used to be able to view all 60 cards in my deck in one screen-height without scrolling, and now have to scroll to get a good view of my deck, which makes editing/interacting with it a bit harder, and that was one of the biggest draws for Deckbox versus TappedOut or other deck manipulation sites.

I also posted a thread on Reddit (apologies if I jumped the gun, didn't know whether you guys have an account there) which might get some more feedback as people in the US wake up: … w_version/

Re: [Bug report] Missing icons, prices in the new version

I think I agree with your points. Will try to change some things soon.

Re: [Bug report] Missing icons, prices in the new version

jpgleg wrote:

I also posted a thread on Reddit (apologies if I jumped the gun, didn't know whether you guys have an account there) which might get some more feedback as people in the US wake up: … w_version/

We'd have posted it probably tomorrow after ironing out some of the first post-release bugs, but it's ok if it's posted today as well smile. We'll try to respond to people's issues there.