Topic: [Bug] Images for the backs of transform cards don't show

The backside images for double sided cards like Reckless Waif do not show on the card description page.

e.g. for Reckless Waif, the img HTML tag points to<MtgCardBack:0x00000007bb0df8>.jpg

I'm running Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m on Windows 8.

Re: [Bug] Images for the backs of transform cards don't show

beo wrote:

The backside images for double sided cards like Reckless Waif do not show on the card description page.

e.g. for Reckless Waif, the img HTML tag points to<MtgCardBack:0x00000007bb0df8>.jpg

I'm running Chrome 23.0.1271.97 m on Windows 8.

Thanks for reporting, it's now fixed.