Topic: Want: Cards for White Weenies (Modern)

Need this deck for an Upcoming PTQ, figured this would be a pretty good place to start.

As far as the Main Board goes, here's what I'm looking for:

4x Student of Warfare
1x Aven Mindcensor
2x Sword of War and Peace
1x Eiganjo Castle
2x Windbrisk Heights

For the Sideboard:
2x Ethersworn Candidtes
3x Kataki, Wars Wage

I'm also looking for other fun things.
If you're curious, here is my Wishlist:

My Notable haves include:
1x Foil Daybreak Coronet
3x Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
1x Sphinx's Revelation
2x Jace, Architect of Thought
1x Overgrown Tomb
4x Isolated Chapel
1x Blood Crypt
1x Steam Vents
2x Abrupt Decay
And much more!
