Topic: Export Issue


I have an issue with the export:
I have 2xRith, the Awakener, one from From the Vault: Dragons and one from Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition.

When it is displayed, it's show me different prices, base of the set they are on, but when it is exported it is exported with only one price, look randomly.

Many thanks,

P.S. I'm still looking to have back the sort base of number of card I own.

Re: Export Issue

Aburica wrote:


I have an issue with the export:
I have 2xRith, the Awakener, one from From the Vault: Dragons and one from Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition.

When it is displayed, it's show me different prices, base of the set they are on, but when it is exported it is exported with only one price, look randomly.

Many thanks,

P.S. I'm still looking to have back the sort base of number of card I own.

I see correct prices when exporting your inventory to CSV:

1,0,"Rith, the Awakener",,,,,Duel Decks: Phyrexia vs. the Coalition,Near Mint,English,$0.99,$1.58,$3.00
1,0,"Rith, the Awakener",foil,,,,From the Vault: Dragons,Near Mint,English,$7.01,$8.32,$8.99

The sort options will come back, we have not forgotten smile. It's not trivial though, so it will come with release 2.1, along with the trading opportunities revamp. Currently we're aiming for a release date around 1st of february.