From the way you describe each of the various cards, many of them sound like items that should be in the sideboard, not mainboard.
How do you deal with Predator Ooze/High Priest of Penance? Simple, Tragic Slip. Mind you, it can deal with Falkenrath Aristocrat too.
There's a definite trade-off between Magmaquake and Murder. On the one hand, Magmaquake will let you damage your guys, wipe out plenty of creatures in one move and hit a bunch of triggers at once; but, on the other, it's a sorcery AND could end up hurting you by taking out your blockers (nevermind the weakness to flyers). Murder, conversely, gives you instant speed removal for their Thundermaw Hellkite/Resto Angel/etc. So what's the solution? I say to run two of each - there's seldom a case when you're going to complain that you have too much removal.
Esper Tokens - if this is a problem at your LGS/local meta, they printed Illness in the Ranks in Gatecrash which single-handedly destroys all spirit tokens (at least until they play Intangible Virtue) and would similarly shut Sorin, Lord of Innistrad down completely. Put 2-3 in your sideboard if it's a matchup you envision seeing frequently. Similarly, if you prefer more of a spot solution, Electrickery overloaded will deal with all those tokens.
Ultimately you're going to be more familiar with your local meta than I could be and playtesting will provide the best answers to what is and is not working. But again, most of the oddball pieces strike me as being things for the SB.