Topic: H: Tons of Standard W: Paypal

Here is what I'm selling and the prices:

Rest in Peace x1: $1.50
Grafdigger's Cage x2: $1.20 each
Loxodon Smiter x4: $2.50 each
Sigarda, Host of Herons x2: $9 each
Armada Wurm x1: $3.50
Silverblade Paladin x2: $8.50 each (1 promo)
Angel of Serenity x1: $9
Thragtusk x2: $15 each
Temple Garden (RTR) x4: $9.50 each
Sunpetal Grove (M13) x3: $5 each
Gavony Township x2: $2.50 each
Wolfir Silverheart x1: $2.50

Please contact me if you wish to purchase these cards.

Re: H: Tons of Standard W: Paypal


Re: H: Tons of Standard W: Paypal
