Topic: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

To avoid doing new posts every day, I'll be modifying this one accordingly as needed.

I have gotten a ton of GTC singles. I want them gone. I'm fine over-trading to get rid of them. If you need gatecrash rares, let me know. I may have some not listed on here, so start a trade and ask. I try to keep my inventory as updated as I can, but I trade in person a *LOT*. I can tell you I already have everything I currently need from Gatecrash, including shock lands. What that means, is look at my wishlist, it is accurate as are the editions and foiled. If no edition is listed, then it doesn't matter; if the edition IS listed, there is a reason! Most likely due to the art. I have a lot of staples on there. They are likely a very low priority to me. What I actually *need* is listed here:
High Priority Wants
Highest Priority:
3x Snapcaster
2x Lilianna of the Veil
1x Academy Ruins
1x Mindslaver

There are some things I can't list on deckbox that I have. One of them is TOKENS.
I have all of the standard tokens, boxes of them. I don't particularly want them. If you want them, we'll stick them onto another trade. Start one up!

Fatpacks are available for GTC, same as they were for R2R. Pricing is as follows, however USPS Has changed their pricing! It will be as follows:

Gatecrash Fatpack (Sealed): $22/Per.
Gatecrash Fatpack (Contents): $22/Per.
I also will trade these for below retail value towards cards. Start up a trade to discuss.

I will not be trading these for card value. Trades are for singles and are detailed above. Also let me make something else clear. I do not want to ship to Canada, Hong Kong, The UK, or anywhere outside of my country. I will do so, but shipping is *expensive* and I will have to check how much it is.
Shipping (Domestic Only):
Sealed Fatpacks (As it sits on the shelf):
1-2 = $13.00 (Medium Flatrate + DC)
3 = $17.50 (Large Flatrate + DC)

Fatpack Contents (9x Packs, Spindown Die, Deck Boxes, Set Book. On 2+ orders I'll put as many fatpack boxes as I can get in the flatrate box):
1 = 6.50 (Small Flatrate + DC)
2 - 10 = $13.00 (Medium Flatrate + DC)
11+ = $17.50 (Large Flatrate + DC)

If you want Fatpacks, here's the best way to do it:
1. Start a mail trade with me.
2. Name the trade with how many gatecrash FP's you want, and any additional ones *if* they are listed on the inventory. (ex: 3x GTC Fatpacks)
3. In that mail trade, Send me your paypal Email address, and specify what you want! As in 3x Sealed, 3x Contents, etc!! I do not care what your personal quams are about paypal. This is how I do it, for both your protection and mine. Need references? Flip through my previous trades. I've got plenty.
4. I will send you a paypal invoice which has an accurate item list of what you're getting. (It will say 3x Sealed or 1x Sealed <edition> 2x Content <edition>, etc)
5. Once you have paid the invoice, I will drop it in the mail with DC. I *Always* DC. I don't care if you want to save the $0.90 on shipping, this is non-negotiable. Again, if you want references, flip through my trade history.
6. Enjoy! smile

I am pretty sure this is a reasonable and simple-to-follow instruction list.

Current Inventory:
GTC Fatpacks: 20

Last edited by Vincentarasin (2013-03-04 09:28:48)

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

haha it's such a bother that the pricing for contents goes over $30 barely.  Super tempted nonetheless ...  wish I could trade for them, but I guess I should just get on with selling my extras

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Would you trade fat packs for cards? Or are you only selling them for money?

Oh wait. Oh wait. I see you already mentioned that. Sorry. Haha

Last edited by ieatoburritos (2013-02-06 15:30:19)

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Hehe no worries. I sent you a trade since we've got some standard stuff to swap anyhow.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

trade offer sent

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Bump! Inventory Updated!

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

More GTC for trade! smile

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Are you looking specifically for future sight groves, or would you be interested in trading for FTV Realms ones?

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Either is fine. I do specifically state in my post if the edition isn't listed, it doesn't matter. There is no edition listed for groves ^_^

Start up a trade

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist


Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

would you (or your friend) do card value trades for alters?

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Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

I answer this in my post already, yes I will.

Start up a trade smile

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Just a quick bump, this guy is a gentleman and a scholar. I got my fat packs a couple days ago and I had an extremely nice haul, wound up pulling something like $80 worth of rares from my 2 fat packs, and then traded for a Boros Reckoner my buddy pulled from his fat pack.

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Glad to hear you got some awesome pulls Vexxecon!

Thanks smile

More updated inventory!

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

I think I want some alters done. Hmmmmm

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Just added more GTC Stuff. PTQ was good smile

Reckoner, Domri, another foundry, some other shocks/duals, and misc GTC.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Up top!
Still need snapcasters.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

How many?

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Ideally a playset.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Anything from your inventory for trade? I have a playset available.

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Start a trade and we'll discuss.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

Are you willing to trade stuff from your tradelist or only fatpacks?

I have an extra Snapcaster, interested in Verdant Catacombs, Marsh Flats, or Umezawa's Jitte.

Re: Updated! Need Snaps! Have Trade, Fatpacks, etc!

It does say in my original post I am open to trading as well.

Feel free to start up a trade and we'll see about working something out.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
Buying Thread | Reddit MTG Trade Thread | Tradelist | Wishlist