Topic: Dimir Mill Deck

Curious about peoples thoughts on this, if I get a good draw I can blow most of my friends away but usually I get to much mill and not enough creatures.  Thought about taking out some of the mill for a few more creatures till I can build up for a good combo and mill half their deck in a turn.

Re: Dimir Mill Deck

Couple of questions for you.
1. What format are you playing?  From the looks of this I think its modern, but you seem to have a lot of newer (standard) cards in there.

2. What win condition are you going for?  The kill or the mill?  cards like Wight of Precinct Six can be brutal, however they don't help your mill at all.   

Personally I would suggest taking out some of the creature cards, adding some more control and removal then going in for the mill...cuz we all know milling is lots of fun:D

Think about adding some counter spells Essence Scatter Cancel and or syncopate.  Also what about some Milling removal Grisly Spectacle

just some quick thoughts....
Good luck,