Topic: H: Boros Reckoner, Aurelia, Obzedat - W: Humans/Lands

Looking to finish my Naya Humans deck. I have 2x Boros Reckoner, an Aurelia (the creature), and an Obzedat for trade.

Cards I need to finish the deck: 4x Champion of the Parish, 1x Cavern of Souls, 3x Clifftop Retreat, 1x Sacred Foundry, 1x Kessig Wolf Run; priority in that order.

Also willing to trade other cards in my tradelist:

Re: H: Boros Reckoner, Aurelia, Obzedat - W: Humans/Lands

Besides the lands, is there anything you see in my inventory that you want?

Re: H: Boros Reckoner, Aurelia, Obzedat - W: Humans/Lands

Got a set of champions will set up a trade