Topic: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

A friend of mine is looking to trade away some (mostly) standard cards for something he might actually play.

Looking to trade away:
Champion of the Parish
Hellrider x2
Geralf's Messenger
Stromkirk Noble
Loxodon Smiter x2
Torpor Orb x3
Past in Flames

Lands (Fetches and Shocks) are priority, but as mentioned, Birthing Pods (2) and Batterskulls are also of interest

Last edited by mac_fionnlaigh (2013-03-11 12:08:00)

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull


Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Fill out your Tradelist/Wishlist so we can trade with you.....

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Updated trade/wish list

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Monday bump

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Bump for new cards!

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Interested in the aristocrats, do you have any standard wants besides shocks?

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

No, sorry. Only interest besides lands lies in building a Melira-pod deck, so Kitchen Finks, maybe Linvala, maybe Thrun.

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Pre-weekend Bump!

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

how many batterskulls do you and which shocks towards the two arisocrats?

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Looking for any shocks and at least two Batterskulls.

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

let me find out how many skulls I have

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Okay looks like I only have shocks. Would you do two hallowed fountain and two overgrown tomb for the two aristocrats?

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

As of fnm I now how one birthing pod, one batterskull, one fountain and one tomb. Still need those aristocrats smile

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Cool. Send a trade with the batterskull + lands. We'll get you the aristocrats!

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Requested pictures-

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Cool those look good to me. I'm okay with this trade if your friend is!

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Hey man someone proposed me more aristocrats for the same stuff you need. Sadly im gonna have to cancel our trade for the shocks. Thanks for trying to help me out.

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

Sadly have to bump!

Re: H: Parish Champ, Hellriders W: Lands, Birthing Pod, Batterskull

FNM Bump!