Topic: Red/Black Vamps Follow-Up

Based off of a lot of good advice, this is the newest version of my Vamp deck.  I'm finding the addition of the Rakdos Cackler's and the Boros Reckoners actually did wonders for the deck.  I've played a few matches with Olivia Voldaren and one or two of the Reckoners out at once, turned them to vamps and watched the counters pile up quickly.  Vexing Devil in particular is a doozy of a card if I get it on the first draw as it really puts my opponents on their heels early.  Any suggestions are welcome.  This is still a standard deck geared towards FNM all the way, and it's always a work in progress. 

Side note:  I was advised against having so much varied land but the diversity of what I'm using works exceptionally well with the combination I have here thus far.  I've played against a lot of Aggro and not as much milling, but been successful nonetheless.