Topic: RW Boros Human Aggro

This is my third attempt at a Standard Deck. I turned to a 2-color deck from a 3-color deck for more consistent performance. I removed green, and compensated for the lack of manna acceleration by using stronger low-cost creatures.

Early in the game I want to play cards like Champion of the Parish, Wojek Halberdiers, and Truefire Paladin, to get relatively powerful creatures out as fast as possible. These are soon followed by Frontline Medic and Crusader of Odric, to add invulnerability and extra power. Gather the Townsfolk help Champion of the Parish and Crusader of Odric build up strength, and allow Wojek Halberdiers, Frontline Medic, Odric, Master Tactician, and Firemane Avenger to get their battalion (or battalion-like) abilities going sooner and more often.

Bonds of Faith and Intrepid Hero help keep opponent's creatures in check, while Oblivion Ring can help out with problematic enchantments as well. Since my creatures will be very aggressive in this deck, I have Boros Charm and Frontline Medic to protect them as they attack. Boros Charm, Aurelia's Fury and Glaring Spotlight can help with all-out attacks.

I also have Five-Alarm Fire to build up extra damage mid-game, which can be used for creature removal or player damage. Cathars' Crusade works well with Gather the Townsfolk and other cheap creatures in the mid/late-game. Extremely powerful angels help keep the army competitive if things get into the late-game.

If I wanted to spend more on the deck, I would replace the both Crusader of Odric with Silverblade Paladin, and replace some land with Sacred Foundry. I don't have a lot of burn going on, because I typically prefer removing problematic cards. I haven't had any opportunity to test this deck out yet, since many of the cards are still on their way. In addition to general feedback about overall balance and tactics, I also have a few specific questions.

1) I was thinking about how awesome Cathars' Crusade and Assemble the Legion would be together, but I'm not sure I have room for Assemble the Legion, since it is a bit slow, and on its own not quite as good as Cathars' Crusade. Maybe use one of each, so that either on its own is fine, but on the off-chance I get them together, it's really good? I was also wondering about using the enchantment Fervor instead of one or more of the enchantments I currently have.

2) I wonder if I should have one more massive late-game power angel, or if that would be one too many. I have an Avacyn, Angel of Hope who could fit that role, and work really well with the whole indestructible theme. I also wonder if I should use another Angelic Overseer too, maybe replacing the Firemane Avenger.

3) What kind of deck would this deck be most vulnerable to? Control? Mid-range? This would help me determine my sideboard.

Thanks for your time. I'm still pretty new to the game, so advice pertaining to any these questions, or any other aspect of this deck, would be very helpful.

Last edited by xlebec (2013-03-04 03:10:15)

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

I've been working on something pretty darned similar!

I'm trying to emphasize creatures that get bigger, and also many of them.

1) I'm with you on the Assemble the Legion being sluggish. I'm sticking with 2 for the moment. So far in Forge I've found that the Intrepid Hero and Five-Alarm Fire Really help prop you to the mid game. Not only does the FAF help with creature removal and direct damage, but it also keeps your opponent's attackers at bay. I'm not opposed to the Cathars' Crusade, I just don't have any in inventory at the moment. I'm trying to accomplish the same thing with Mikaeus, The Lunarch, but I think your idea might be better.

2) I'm also trying to figure out the late game Angel count. I really like my Angel of Glory's Rise (another Crusade combo), and kinda wish I hadn't traded off my Gisela when it was $4 (Ten alarm fire!).

3) Sideboard.... Ash Zealot and War Priest of Thune both hit Sideboard niches while also being humans. I think the First Strike/Haste of the Zealot are useful enough to have maindeck I put my Assemble the Legions in there, in case I actually wind up in a long game (doesn't seem to happen often in standard right now). I would probably sideboard that Glaring Spotlight, although the "unblockable" is neat - but why not have another Odric, Master Tactician, instead? I have Legion Loyalist maindeck, but he's very handy for that creature token bit. Apart from that, nothing wrong with Searing Spears and Oblivion Rings. Skullcrack seems like a nifty way to deal with those stupid Thragtusks, as well as a lot of the extort combos that are bound to start showing up.

Last edited by AbeNH (2013-03-07 22:01:01)

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

I've been waiting on some feedback on my deck as well but in the absence of that, I'll let you know my main concern with our decks... Dimir/Mill... I'm not sure either of our decks has enough graveyard tricks to keep us in the game. That would be something useful for our sideboards but right now, I don't have any advice. I wish I did. I'll be playtesting my Boros Stuffy Death deck tomorrow (hopefully) and will have more for you then.

I'm also going to be playing this boros deck against a simic deck (on my decklist) that I recently built. I have a feeling they will play favorably against each other. There again, I built both with a pretty quick early game and a substantial mid game... Playtesting will be the true test though. Let me know how yours works out.

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

I'll be sitting out of FNM for the next couple of weeks (college hockey is heading into the post season). My local spot has had a lot of really aggro decks, and $$$ net deckers. I haven't seen a lot of the UG or BU builds there. But....

To sideboard against mill decks. How about Elixir of Immortality? I also think Angel of Glory's Rise gains some synergy off of a stacked graveyard. And if it's a zombie mill (like my own), even better!

The most durable Simic trick I've seen so far has been using the Zameck Guildmage to keep cards like Young Wolf from ever going away.

For deck testing - have you used Forge or anything like it? The AI isn't quite as sophisticated as a person, but it's pretty good. There are a couple of cards that don't work (like Killing Wave), but I do a lot of post-Friday tweaking there.

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

Here's my take on the deck it's on the more expensive side cause I am running the Silverblades and I have the mana base for it I have liked mine so far, It is a turn 4 kill on average and it can build up quickly I haven't had a lot of problems with the deck you just have to know when to play the boros charm to prevent the wipe instead of dropping creatures. If I do hold on the creatures and they end up wiping my board it usually has enough to come back quickly before they take over the game. If you want to be more competitive and win with it at a more competitive LGS you are going to have to spend the money on the duals and get the Silverblades. I run 2 Hellriders instead of the Silverblades at the moment cause Topping out at 4 with it let's me get a big attack and get bonus off of it and that's about the time I'm killing them anyways so my turn 3/4 Play always ends up winning me the game whether it be Hellrider or Silverblade or even a Rally the peasants if I can't draw either of the other 2 and drawing one of them late game is really good. Frontline medic really helps this deck I used to run 4 ash zealot and 2 Glory's rise in it's place but I have like being indestructible when I attack. It would be better if I went into a third color dropping a Mayor to pump all my humans is hard to deal with and there is also experiment one and flinthoof boar. The third Color really helps but I haven't had a problem running only 2. Also the double BTE into a Lightning mauler with a Champion and a Boros Elite on the table is a pretty devistating blow for 12 damage turn 3(Happened last weekend) smile.

It's somewhat weak to midrange but Frontline really helps that match up I haven't had a problem with Aggro(RDW) or Control cause you can play smarter than them and hold back attacks to block and Boros charm and Charm also kills most walkers it's a great deck and I recommended going somewhat more of the direction of my deck if anything.

Last edited by Odyssea (2013-03-08 03:12:11)

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

Thanks for all the advice and help everybody! I'll have to try out this Forge software, it sounds like a good way to experiment with these suggestions. It's a shame about needing the fancy dual-lands, seeing how much they cost, but I can see why I'd be at too much of a disadvantage without them. I like the idea of adding Burning Tree Emissary. I was trying to use Battle Hymn for some acceleration, but it just wasn't working out. Before that I tried splashing green for manna accel with disastrous results. BTE looks much better than either of these.

As far as mill goes, I've got an Immortal Servitude. Seeing how many of these creatures are 1, 2, or 3 manna, that might work well. I like a lot of the other anti-mill ideas put forth here too. Defy Death might also make the opponent regret milling away an angel.

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

If you are scared of mill I'd recommend angel of glory's rise it gets everything back and you can stack the triggers accordingly and swing with everything Pared with a lightning mauler

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

Sounds good. That angel should protect against milling, board wipes, and work really well with Cathars' Crusade too.

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

Angel of Glory's rise actually might not be effective at all... If you're up against Dimir/Mill, what are you going to do when you see your angels go from stack to graveyard? Is there a different option out there to protect against that?

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

Krash wrote:

Angel of Glory's rise actually might not be effective at all... If you're up against Dimir/Mill, what are you going to do when you see your angels go from stack to graveyard? Is there a different option out there to protect against that?

Cavern of Souls on Angel solves that and because we are running Humans we should be running multiple Caverns

Re: RW Boros Human Aggro

xlebec wrote:

It's a shame about needing the fancy dual-lands, seeing how much they cost, but I can see why I'd be at too much of a disadvantage without them.

As far as mill goes, I've got an Immortal Servitude. Seeing how many of these creatures are 1, 2, or 3 manna, that might work well. I like a lot of the other anti-mill ideas put forth here too. Defy Death might also make the opponent regret milling away an angel.

I harbor the same resentment towards the dual lands. I try to "get by" with the guildgates and the M13 fancies that trade more towards $3-4. This one calls on the Innistrad duals, though, which still sit in that $10-15 range. Pain in my ass.