Topic: Planeswalker nou Innistrad sau M12
Prin prezentarea primului deck din Duels of the Planeswalkers, aparent avem si un planeswalker nou, probabil tribal pe ceva creaturi ale marii (merfolk, kraken sau leviathan ) alkers-201
"Kiora Atua is a "female merfolk who commands the powers of the tides and depths." She sways dominion over the older creatures of the sea -- such as krakens and leviathans. Hit the jump for the full deck list."
Cartea ii confirmata ca si pw pe twitter-ul wizards:!/@wizards_magic
"(Mike) Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. New Planeswalker revealed"
Last edited by Trickster (2011-05-19 05:18:20)