Topic: Suggestions by a new user

Hi there!

Sweet database site. Intended to build something myself, just to have complete access to my binders while not at home, but this will do. There's a couple of things I noticed:

* When adding cards, I sometimes used the + button to add other editions too. These additional entries did not have defaults, such as condition and language, set.
* I would like to be able to filter on language and promo's, which I unfortunately can't right now.
* When filtering on set, I would love to have the option 'unspecified', kind of as a maintenance idea for the first bullet.
* Could promo's be added as a set, rather than an option? Think for instance of a set '(Pre)release', 'FNM', 'Player Rewards'. This could help for a variety of things, for instance in filtering (I'm interested in finding all prerelease promo's, could be an example, but also to show the correct picture with promo's)
* When filtering on non-foil in my collection, I get exactly one result, my promo Serra Avatar:**
Whereas searching for 'Is Foil==Indifferent' yields my whole collection, including the promo. I currently don't have any foils listed.
* I noticed that the table with cards is not being filled in completely on load, but likely partially by Javascript. I know my desire here is very specific, but I parse the data with a parser script I wrote (, such that I get output that I can use for trading on my local community website. A good API would be even better of course, but public data is close enough to an API, really.
Most notable here is that the fields 'for trade' and 'wishlist count' are not being put in the table directly (by loading my inventory in the parser, which just calls the PHP file_get_contents function, I see there's no td tags, whereas I see them with Chrome's inspect element tool).
* Some of the 3-letter codes for sets used in the names of the image-files are not thier official ones. Most notable here are older sets, which sometimes used 2-letter codes, Conflux (should be CFX, not CON) and the Duel Decks (should be <X>V<Y>, not DD<Z>). I know this is not important, but I noticed when parsing data.

Did I mention having an API yet?

Edit: Additionally, I feel like the options for condition are not wide enough. I generally use the alternative names (except for M/NM, 'new' is lame) column from … dition.cgi as a guide for grading my cards, but cannot reflect this on deckbox.

Last edited by Rainar (2013-03-26 10:20:40)

> Trading with anyone in Europe!