Topic: For Sale: Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, other old cards

I'm selling these off for a co-worker, so I'm not looking for trades unless it's a spectacular deal.

All cards are slightly to moderately played, regardless of what it says in my trade list! I have pics of most of the value cards and can get pics of the rest!

Basically anything in my trade list that's older than Innistrad is up for sale. Here are prices I'm looking for:

Tundra -- $80
Tropical Island -- $115
Karakas -- $75
Maze of Ith - $20
Unlimited BoP - $20

Also Chain Lightnings, Kobold Overlord, Strip Mines, Mishra's Factories (Antiquities, Fall and Spring.) There are also a bunch of $5-10 cards that will definitely earn a discount if you buy them in bulk, especially with a higher value card.

Re: For Sale: Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, other old cards

Man to many people selling for me to get all the fun cards sad

also why is Kobold Overlord still $15 besides being from legends? Or is it just that like it is with Hazezon and Rasputin

Re: For Sale: Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, other old cards

Interested in the Tundra.  Do you have a picture of it handy?

Re: For Sale: Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, other old cards

Last picture here.

I can't say for sure which one is left. tongue

Re: For Sale: Tropical Island, Tundra, Karakas, other old cards

Interested in Maze - sending you a trade now.