Topic: H: LotV, Verdant, others W: Kiki, Arid, Resto

Got 2 Lilis, playset of verdant, and assorted other valuables.
Trying to pick up playsets of Kiki, Restoration Angel, and Arid Mesa.
Should go without saying but I'm not trying to trade fetches or Lili for Resto.

Re: H: LotV, Verdant, others W: Kiki, Arid, Resto

Does language matter to you on the Restos? I have 2 English and 1 French. It looks like you don't have many big things on your tradelist besides Liliana and Catacombs, but I may be willing to break one down for $20 or so of EDH stuff.

Re: H: LotV, Verdant, others W: Kiki, Arid, Resto

Language is not a big deal. See what EDH stuff you want of mine and shoot a trade!