Topic: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

I recently redeemd complete non-foil sets of RTR and GTC off MTGO and am looking to get into paper magic. I would really like snapcasters and restoration angels. I also have some multiples in RTR and GTC from drafting.

Thanks for looking.

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

I have a spare Resto Angel sitting around.  Want to trade it for a Jace, AoT and Abrupt Decay?

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

Sounds great.

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

Trade sent.

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

I have a spare Resto and I'm interested in some shocklands, but I'm worried they will go down in value because they're being printed again in Dragon's Maze.  Is there any way you could do 3 shocks for Resto + something small?

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

DTrain5742 wrote:

I have a spare Resto and I'm interested in some shocklands, but I'm worried they will go down in value because they're being printed again in Dragon's Maze.  Is there any way you could do 3 shocks for Resto + something small?

As opposed to the ever-stable Resto? tongue

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

trade request sent

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

Two shocks for a resto?

Re: W:Resto Angel, Snapcaster H:Std Staples

Got my playset of restos, thanks guys. Updated my tradelist with a bunch of modern cards if you still want to look.