Topic: I wanna get stuff on my wishlist and trade up for my cheap stuff.

So I'm trying to get stuff together to finish dome decks! Here's my wishlist:
Some notable haves are
Lili of the veil
Also I'll pretty much accept any trade for my junk rares as long as it's a trade up smile take a look!

Re: I wanna get stuff on my wishlist and trade up for my cheap stuff.

Started trade cool

Re: I wanna get stuff on my wishlist and trade up for my cheap stuff.

I have a Geist and would like to get a Lili. Take a look at my tradelist and let me know if you think we could work something out.

Re: I wanna get stuff on my wishlist and trade up for my cheap stuff.

Arioch wrote:

I have a Geist and would like to get a Lili. Take a look at my tradelist and let me know if you think we could work something out.

Sorry man I already traded her.