Topic: H: Japanese Gaea's Cradle, UL Taiga, Italian Goyf, JTMS W: Legacy

So I have a few bigger items up for grabs now. I have a Japanese Gaea's Cradle that I'm now willing to part with.

Goyf is in Italian, no explanation needed.

JTMS is unplayed, english.

As for the Taiga, I actually have 3 Taigas. One is Unlimited and two are Revised. I'd like to either trade the two Revised ones for other duals (Tropical Island and Bayou) or combine all of this stuff for a Beta Taiga.

If you have a Beta Taiga that you'd like to trade down into UL and Revised I'd like to work a deal with you and see where we can get. I might could be tempted by a Candelabra as well. Worth a shot to offer other Legacy staples as well.