Topic: W/ Voice Sacred Foundry Smiter H/ Tradelist

I am looking for 4 voice of resurgence, 4 loxodon smiter, 4 sacred foundry, 2 advent of the wurm

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Re: W/ Voice Sacred Foundry Smiter H/ Tradelist

very interested in your misty rainforest. i have sacred foundry's. please check my list

Re: W/ Voice Sacred Foundry Smiter H/ Tradelist

I am interested in your misty rainforests. I have 2 Voices and one advent of the wurm. I would be willing to make a deal involving 2 voices for 3 misty rainforest. I also would be interested in trading the advent for one of your shocks. Feel free to take a look at the rest of my cards as I am interested in your last misty rainforest.

Re: W/ Voice Sacred Foundry Smiter H/ Tradelist

I dont guess you have the Misty's anymore. Ive got the voices