Topic: Cataloging FNM Foils for Wizard's logo sets

How do I catalog the FNM foils? The sets are not any listed, they have the wizard's logo on them and they are the DCI foils. I can't put them in without mentioning a set.

Re: Cataloging FNM Foils for Wizard's logo sets

I am having the same issue, is it possible to get these added to the system? The categories for promo cards are:

Arena Promos
Champs Promos
FNM Promos
Game Day Promos
Gateway Promos
Grand Prix Promos
Guru Lands
JSS/MSS Promos
Judge Promos
Launch Party Cards
Magic Player Rewards
Media Promos
Prerelease Cards
Pro Tour Promos
Release Event Cards
Special Occasion
WPN Promos

I think this covers everything that TCGPlayer keeps track of. Adding a Sun Titan as foil and promo, but m12, while not confusing doesn't make it stand out either. There are some cards that have been promo multiple times, the one that comes to mind is Wasteland, with a Judge Promo and a Player Reward Promo, both foil I believe as well, neither full art. So "foil, promo" does not distinguish these cards from each other.

Re: Cataloging FNM Foils for Wizard's logo sets

I too would like these added, so I can track which ones I've obtained smile.