Topic: Reaching out to the wonderful community

Ive created a new deck that id like to use at a Friday Night Magic. this deck is the green white event deck but I would love advice on how to customize it.if you could give me any feedback or suggestions I would be extremely grateful  [mtg][/mtg]

Re: Reaching out to the wonderful community

I say cut out the Swamp, Shrine, and Sorcery that use that mana color. It just seems as if there'd be two much effort or luck needed to play lingering souls for too little reward.

Re: Reaching out to the wonderful community

Here is the link to the deck for any interested parties:

That being said, there are a number of changes that could be made to this deck depending on how you want to take it. 

If you're going for more of a mid-range populate, overwhelming the enemy strategy, you would benefit greatly to have cards like Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and Thragtusk as part of the build (if you'd like I have a decent build that would need to be adjusted for post DGM that you can see at

If you're going for more of a W/G aggro tokens build, you would benefit to have to roll with Loxodon Smiters.

In either event, if you're wanting to be really dangerous, it can get expensive VERY quickly.  Personally I've found them to be underwhelming, but Voice of Resurgence is typically a HUGE piece of decks running W/G.

If I were you, I would drop the guildmages, add more champions, drop the temple, drop Odric, and potentially swap the Monks for Scion of Vitu-Ghazi.  You need to 4x the Lingering Souls and add more Advent of the Wurm.  Drop the Wakes, Increasing Devotion, Rancors, Arrest, and Growing Ranks.  Slide in a second Parallel Lives as it's more likely to have an impact on the board.  2-3x Trostani and 3-4x Thragtusks are definitely needed.  If you're still looking for pieces, Midnight Haunting gives you another couple of spirit tokens at instant speed, which, with one or two Intangible Virtues can be huge.  Lastly, perhaps an Armada Wurm or two as a finisher.  The only black splash should come with dual lands to flash-back souls and to trigger Vault of the Archangel (which wouldn't hurt as a 2x here).

That's a lot and likely a fairly large amount of cash to get it squared away, but it'll have better odds the closer to that you get.