Topic: W: stuff for my pauper cube. H: various not-awful commons & uncommons

Hi folks. I've been posting this on a few subreddits, but I'll reach out here as well.

I'm working on a pauper cube, but am missing a ton of stuff. My wishlist is all the cards I'm missing. I'd prefer to do bulk trades (50+ cards), as a means of keeping costs down. (Mailing 1 - 2 cards at a time can get expensive). If there's nothing in my inventory that you want, feel free to ask if I have it, although most of my stuff is from 2013 and later.

I would also be willing to pay cash for the cheaper commons, most likely 5 to 10 cents a card. Due to budget issues, though, I'd prefer to stick to trades as much as possible.


Re: W: stuff for my pauper cube. H: various not-awful commons & uncommons

Whoa Jesus Lizard! Everyone on reddit only posts about the freaking foo fighters... I will send you like 10-15 commons for free from your wants. I'll see what I have.

Re: W: stuff for my pauper cube. H: various not-awful commons & uncommons

I have a pauper cube that I plan on dismantling. I probably have almost everything. Let me compare my haves to your wants in a spreadsheet or something and I'll get back to you (this evening hopefully).

If you want to take the time, I have a "Pauper Cube" deck under my profile that has everything listed as well. (minus maybe 5 cards). I'll def get back to you tonight.