Topic: Trade bug?

(sorry if this has already been addressed - I did try to search for it)

I had a little issue in a current trade - my trade partner thought he asked for 4 of something from me, but now that we have sent our cards, he noticed that only 2 were included (on the trading screen). 

I believe him (and I'm sure we can resolve the trade in a friendly fashion), but only 2 were available in my tradelist, so here's my question:  does the quantity automatically reduce to the amount available when a trade is proposed or accepted?  I.e., perhaps 4 were entered, but it dropped down to the 2 I had available as soon as the trade was finalized?

If so, is there a warning that occurs?

Thanks for looking into this.  As always, thanks for the amazing site!

Re: Trade bug?

We do not do any automatic changing of the contents of a trade. If it is now 2, they must have been 2 when the trade was accepted.

If there were 4 and you only had 2 in your tradelist, the trade cannot be accepted, you get an error.

Re: Trade bug?

Ok, thanks, Sebi.