Topic: Blue-green Modern deck

Any feedback on it would be welcomed. (FYI, it has yet to lose a duel, and has only ever lost once. The decks that beat it were a mono-red running Hostility and Jaya Ballard, an Azorius, and a werewolf deck that all teamed up on me.)

Re: Blue-green Modern deck

kaseron wrote:

Any feedback on it would be welcomed. (FYI, it has yet to lose a duel, and has only ever lost once. The decks that beat it were a mono-red running Hostility and Jaya Ballard, an Azorius, and a werewolf deck that all teamed up on me.)

You seem to like diversity in your deck.
What is your main strategy?

Re: Blue-green Modern deck

My main win condition is making the enemy run out of deck, by putting Deadeye Navigator soulbound with Jace's Mindseeker. Or really, anything with CiP or ETB effects paired with Deadeye Navigator. For example: if my opponent pulls out a Witchbane Orb and stymies my mill strategy, I simply use either Acidic Slime or Mist Raven to deny them permanents. And after about 5 or 6 turns of having me destroy every single land that they put into play, forfeiting becomes a very attractive option.
Everything else is basically deck control and stall, to give me enough time to get my combos online.