Re: nu stiu voi, dar
"At Future Sight prerelease, a friend of mine opened a foil Tarmogoyf. He sold it for $5 so he could buy a ham sandwich.
He traded a FOIL GOYF for a HAM SANDWICH."
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"At Future Sight prerelease, a friend of mine opened a foil Tarmogoyf. He sold it for $5 so he could buy a ham sandwich.
He traded a FOIL GOYF for a HAM SANDWICH."
"At Future Sight prerelease, a friend of mine opened a foil Tarmogoyf. He sold it for $5 so he could buy a ham sandwich.
He traded a FOIL GOYF for a HAM SANDWICH."
Personal nu văd unde e problema. I-a fost foame, a mâncat, cineva s-a făcut cu un foil. Toată lumea e fericită.
... eu ascult cam mult dnb in ultima vreme d-_-b
Silviu wrote:"At Future Sight prerelease, a friend of mine opened a foil Tarmogoyf. He sold it for $5 so he could buy a ham sandwich.
He traded a FOIL GOYF for a HAM SANDWICH."Personal nu văd unde e problema. I-a fost foame, a mâncat, cineva s-a făcut cu un foil. Toată lumea e fericită.
Am auzit ca goyf-ul a fost considerat atat de prost incat a fost tinut in cutiile de comune de la cutia milei and shit. Aruncate. when_they/
Ăia au făcut o tură de KTK draft absolut MONSTRUOASĂ!!! Estimez cam 3-4 Booster Case-uri acolo.
Silviu, tată, unde 'Mniezo le găsești pe astea?!?!
Pe reddit, fratica. Random shit, ahoy!
Cutia Milei...
Last edited by Silviu (2014-11-18 10:48:47)
SOUTH PARK: Kenny excels at playing the game Magic: The Gathering in TOMORROW’S all-new episode “Cock Magic” — premiering @ 10p ET on Comedy Central! rt=airdate
Excepțional episodul! Mulțumesc, Răzvănie (cu accentul pe ”i”).
Razvain wrote: rt=airdate
Excepțional episodul! Mulțumesc, Răzvănie (cu accentul pe ”i”).
absolute savagery!
absolute savagery!
That was the most manly thing ever. I... Really guys... I don't know where we're gonna go from here...
Asa ma simteam si eu cand imi lua cineva revelatiile cu Slaughter Games
...iar apoi isi rezolva un Rakdos's Return! Somebody needs to stop this brutality!
Last edited by Ixithra (2014-11-27 09:30:26) mp;theater
maybe the next pro tour will include cock magic as well? 2014-12-10
inbefore Narset planeswalker care se combina cu Sarkhan in the new timeline
Ce-mi place cand fac cei de la wizard legatura intre storyline si artwork-urile unor carti. M-am tot intrebat al carui personaj e pumnul din Deflecting Palm..
cocks out, boys! ead-over-a