Topic: Modern Budget W Card Advantage Opinion

Ok, as per guidelines

  • Play level - Casual
    Modern format
    Opinion - How can I make this better


What are the win conditions of the deck?  Or, in other words, how do you envision the deck winning games?
Theoretically, I can stall into a longer game and get out Vengeful Archon or Attach Armored Ascension to swing for the win.

If you were to imagine an ideal 4-5 turns, how do you envision them playing out?

Turn 1: Plains - Doomed Traveler
Turn 2: Plains - Wall of Omens, draw card
Turn 3: Plains - Mentor of the Meek
Turn 4: Plains - Suture Priest - Draw card (via Mentor of the Meek)
Turn 5: Plains - Blinking Spirit - Draw card (via Mentor of the Meek)

If I ever fall behind with land I have Gift of Estates to pull land into my hand, and I hope to abuse card draw with Mentor of the Meek, Wall of Omens, Emeria The Sky Ruin, etc. or some combo thereof.  By turn 7 I hope to have drawn enough cards from my library to have a Vengeful Archon in my hand and out on the battlefield.  If not I've got Armored Ascension to boost my weenies.

I want to keep this deck mono white.

As far as budget I want to do this on the cheap, so let's say $15 - $20.

** Disclaimer: I'm not the strongest player so I may ask some painfully obvious questions.